- Ancient/Spiritual

3.Caduceus - Symbol of medicine, the caduceus consists of two serpents coiled around a staff into a double helix. The caduceus Reoccurring in many ancient mythologies and religions.
- Mathematics & Geometry
4.Binary - The language of computers composes just two elements. Arbitrarily, we designate them as 1 or 0, but they can be any two points of reference, such as 'A' and 'B'

6.Circle - a folded line (two points). To go up in terms of a circle is the same as going down and vice versa.The circle is Pi, perhaps the most important and fundamental constant or ratio in all of science and engineering. Pi is also a mystery. It's decimal notation (3.14159...) repeats to infinity with no apparent pattern. It is considered wholly irrational and all attempts to solve or decipher it have been met in failure.

8.Golden Ratio - The golden ratio is the proportion between the numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence. As best we can estimate, the proportion or ratio between any two numbers in a Fibonacci sequence is about equal 1.6180339887. Since both are reflected on or have to do with the circle (Pi) then that makes them very useful and important numbers or ratio's. To give an example, consider the sunflower at right. The sunflower can be mathematically described using Pi, the Golden ratio, and the Fibonacci Sequence. None of this is very difficult for anyone to compute or figure out, so there is a kind of inerrant beauty and simplicity in the proportions in addition to their unknown or chaotic proportion.
- Physiology
9.Left Brain, Right Brain - There are two cerebral hemispheres which are distinctly different from each other with different capabilities. Each hemisphere rules or controls either the left or right side of the body, such as a person being left or right handed and is capable of doing different things. Generally, one side is said to be more logical while the other is more abstract, such as a person being either good at mathematics or language, but generally not both. This further equates to division in the body, being that you have 2 eyes, 2 armbs, 2 thumbs, etc... The path of the nervous system and all it's functions is divided and runs paralell down opposite sides of the body, effectively linking each hemisphere with control over either the left or right side of the body in turn.

- Physics:

Physics is so esteemed then not necessarily because it's any more right or correct than any other theory, idea, religion, etc... of duality, but instead because it has produced such a great quantity of information about duality.
For example, In Electromagnetic research we have discovered:

-The electric field is the dual of the magnetic field.
-The electric displacement field is the dual of the magnetizing field.
-Faraday's law is the dual of Ampere's law.
-Gauss's law for electric field is the dual of Gauss's law for magnetism.
-The electric potential is the dual of the magnetic potential.
-Permittivity is the dual of permeability.
-Piezoelectricity is the dual of magnetostriction.
-Ferroelectricity is the dual of ferromagnetism.
-An electrostatic motor is the dual of a magnetic motor;
-Electrets are the dual of permanent magnets;

This is just a brief list of some of the information available through and by physics. In this way science is really just an effective means of gathering and recording information. For this reason, many believe that science should never be used as an ideology. They say it is strictly a tool to use for the mind, and shouldn't be associated with the heart as is instead more the job of a philosophy or religion.
12.Wave Particle - Is it a wave or a particle?

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
As a result of the Heisenberg principle, much speculation has come about. Perhaps the most famous reply to the Heisenberg principle, is the philosophical thought experiment called Schrodinger's cat. The main, but not the only, idea or concept Shrodinger's cat implies that since the wave and the particle cannot be viewed simultaneosly, as according to the physics of Heisenberg, then the very act of observation or consciousness (Being aware) is what commands the Electromagnetic wave to either become a wave or a particle. The conclusion was arrived at through logic, and most people, scientists included, accept it as a fact that we don't yet fully understand. However this hasn't stopped people making it known, hence it being somewhat famous. Presently, the idea that consciousness or conscious observation affect reality as according to Heisnberg is a foundation of philosophy and was/is a core idea of many works, fads, and projects including the "Secret", Buddhism or New age and religion in general, and the movie, book, and series, "What the bleep do we know?!" just to name a few.

"If a butterfly flaps it's wings in China, can it cause a tornado in the U.S?"

14.mind-body dualism
Mind body dualism is a branch of philosophy concerned with linking and explaining the relationship(s) between mind and body. Sub categories also include: consciousness
Substance dualism - asserts that mind and matter are fundamentally distinct kinds of substances. Property dualism suggests that the ontological distinction lies in the differences between properties of mind and matter
Predicate dualism -claims the irreducibility of mental predicates to physical predicates

Notable Mention:
Matter-Anti Matter
Electric magnetic
Light & Dark
The "force" in Star wars
Does it look familiar?
To me it looks like one half part of the yin yang symbol.

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