Time is defined as the relationship between any two points in space (What is Time-Space?). The points can be a single object like a falling basketball, such as can be represented in math as a1, a2, a3, etc... or two different types of objects such as can be represented by a1, b1, a2, b2, etc... In this way time is presented much more concretely rather than abstract. Time is an experience that happens on a constant basis to everything in the universe and may be said to be the result of movement or motion. Since all things are moving, from the astronomical all the way down to the atomic, then all points are constantly in flux between different points in space, resulting in what we perceive as time including yourself: me1, me2, me3; 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, etc...
As we move through space, we also must move through time. We can move very far, or very short in time as a result. Currently, we are all moving very fast: We are on earth, which spins about its axis. The distance is around the earth is about 24,000 miles, and it takes about 1 day for it to spin all the way around so the earth spins about 1,000 miles per hour on average. You wouldn't typically notice unless you had foreknowledge and you spend a while observing the sky and the changing positions of the stars, moon, or clouds.
We are also moving in other ways very quickly through space and time. The Earth Travels around the sun for example. The sun, in turn, also travels around the Milky Way Galaxy. You can probably guess that the Milky Way is moving as well. This is because the universe is said to be expanding. As the universe expands out, matter and energy attempt the most stable patterns: which are curves or circles. But, in actuality, straight lines may in fact be impossible.
If one tries to draw a straight line on a spinning sphere, then what they will end up with is a curved line. The earth is one such spinning sphere: Therefore how can straight lines be made upon it?
A line is the relationship between two locations in space, a1, a2, b1, a1, etc..., what we tend to forget though is that these are averages of quantities: For example, there are an infinite number of smaller and smaller points between any two points, like a1.1, a1.2, a1.3, etc... or Transcendental number's like Pi, 3.14159..., We can likewise divide an hour up to 60 minutes, a minute into 60 seconds, etc... As long as we care to try, we can seemingly divide forever measuring in as many different ways as we care to.
As we increase our speed, we increase in time from our starting point of origin. If the starting point is the earth, and we want to increase the time between our time in relation to the earth, we will need to move away from the earth as quickly as possible. Since movement is essentially time itself or one of the many properties of energy-matter, then as we travel away from earth, we are, in a sense, emitting time as a form of energy or substance. The further and faster we travel, the more of this substance called time we or the thing traveling emits or radiates outward. In a sense, the thing or object is "giving off time".
Time is related to cause and effect. As a substance moves through a medium, such as a spaceship leaving earth, it is producing causes or waves of energy that radiate outwards from it. The waves that are produced are likened to information in that waves, or energy, becomes organized. The scientific term for this is polarizability.
As light is composed of waves of energy, called quanta, light can be considered to be organized information. When a light wave strikes an object, the orientation of it's waves change to reflect the object it strikes. In this way light is affected by the object which is a cause and effect. In a sense, the object leaves an imprint or memory of itself by rearranging the light waves. In turn, light waves then may enter a human eye where this information is interpreted as it travels through the nerve pathways and brain (Sensory Perception).
Because light is the ultimate speed limit, and it is considered as information by the way it records information when interacting with other matter-energy, light is considered the most accurate measure of time. As light transfers information throughout a medium, such as space-time or Earth's atmosphere, it is also transferring itself in the form of energy. In this way light redistributes energy throughout the entirety of the medium(s) in which it resides. For example, the light of the sun spreads out equally over distance in all directions. The same with a light bulb, the light attempts to spread out equally over a more or less circular area.
Because light carries with it information about a thing, including information about it's time, then by traveling very fast and very far away from earth, turning around, and looking through a telescope, we can actually see, because of the information contained in light itself, into the past.
If we can use light to see into the past, by increasing our speed and distance away from the earth, then we can rediscover all earth's history. We can view and even record actual events that happened in the past if we want to. In order to do this we need to be able to travel fast and far enough away from the earth to reach the light that carries the information that we desire.
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