No one knows what doesn't exist because it doesn't exist, so anything that is conceived has existence and so must exist. Creation therefor begins with existence. Existence is then also what anyone imagines, dreams, has ideas of, or thinks about. In order for that which exists to come into being it has to engage in becoming. That which is being will change but that which exists never changes; that is how ideas are lost and rediscovered and things may go and come again. The things which are being change with time but the things which exist do not change with time. That which exists is the essence of that which is being. In order for being to occur it has to first exist. Being is therefor an extension of existence. To be you have to know what to be which is to exist. That is what is meant by the phrase, "I am". We may know and have the knowledge of our own existence, but any knowledge beyond that is speculation.
Being occurs out of becoming which occurs out of existing. Everything that is being and becoming has change or time and so is governed by change and time. If that which is being or becoming loses change or time, then it is no longer being but it is still existing, because things which only exist such as ideas or knowledge, do not change with time and can be lost and rediscovered. That is why becoming what to be takes time but existence and ideas are timeless.
Because of time there is not a permanent state of being as all being is constantly in change. Being is therefor not an absolute and to think it is is an illusion the same as thinking that something doesn't exist is an illusion because one cannot know what doesn't exist because it doesn't exist. Since there is truly no NON-EXISTENCE and there is truly no BEING then all that remains is existing and becoming. That is why it is said, "Be what thou will."
Things that are relegated to time are changing in Time and so are impermanent. Knowledge of the things however does not change as knowledge is lost and rediscovered. The knowledge is the essence of the thing. The essence of a thing remains the same but its outward materialism is constant change.
Knowledge of a thing leads to awareness. I am or a thing is because it exists but because I or a thing knows or has knowledge of its existence makes it/me aware. Knowledge is gained through interaction such as through senses, experience, reason, or any other type of feedback system. Knowledge of a thing enables one to potentially control and impose will on that thing. Knowledge of self leads to control over the self which controls the things. If the self is not controlled neither will the self have control over anything. This is the influence or power of a thing. That is why people say knowledge is power.
Negotiations Part 2, Delicate
1 month ago
"No one knows what doesn't exist because it doesn't exist, so anything that is conceived has existence and so must exist."
Where did you get this silly logic from? In what system does it become valid?
If something does not have the property of existence, then it does not exist by definition. NOT containing the property of existence does not necessitate somehow that something MUST exist (which is what you're claiming). Does anybody you talk to buy into this argument?
How does something conceived or imagined already contain the property of existence? How? You just asserted it that it does. The "idea" you might argue exists, but what that idea represents doesn't necessarily exist.
It's a paradox. It's meant to show that you cannot think, imagine, or conceive of what doesn't have existence.
This is amazing to me. I was discovering and thinking about principles and ideas years ago that became so relevant in my spirituality. I was unaware at the time that these were popular ideas in buddhism. Phaedro you sure are a nasty person
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