Duality Nature Project: 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How to Flash a Cell Phone

The term "flashing" has to do with the type of memory that a cell phone uses. The memory is called Flash memory. Other names it is also known by is EEPROM (electrically erasable reprogrammable Read Only memory) and nand flash. Flash memory differers from traditional ROM that is used in a PC or computer in that it is easier to reprogram but also more resistant to damage such as from drops or breaks. For example if you dropped your desktop computer in some way then there is a strong chance that by doing so you will have lost the memory contained in the ROM as it may reset itself when damaged from a drop or similar action. This is not true with cell phones and similar types of flash memory such as USB Flash Drives. They are more resistant to drops and breaks so the memory in them stays where its at instead of "resetting" itself.

When you flash something, it basically means to program or reprogram the ROM. The ROM contains some of the software or information codes that tell your device how to function. For example if you have a ROM that is customized or a ROM that is from the carrier like Sprint or Verizon it will give instructions to your device about how to act and behave, such as certain icons, available connections you can make, etc... By flashing new ROM's or other programming you may unlock or extend the capabilities of your phone or device from what was otherwise originally intended by the person you purchased it from which in this case for a cell phone would be the carriers like Sprint or Verizon. Typically the carriers want to restrict access to your phone so they program it in such a way as to do that. The way to get those restrictions out of your phone so you can unlock new features, such as being able to use on another carrier, is to flash some new software such as a ROM.

A lot of people want to know about flashing to another carrier. This generally is or is understood to be downloading the carrier files from the carrier you want to use, such as cricket or metropcs, to your phone. Note however that this does not work for all carriers however. The basic reason why it won't work for all carriers is because your phone has certain numbers associated with it's hardware such as serial numbers, ESN numbers, MEID numbers, etc... that are preset and designed so that they, the carriers, only want you to be able to use your phone with the carrier you purchased from. For example if you purchased from Verizon, then you will have a Verizon ESN. The way it works is all of the carriers have a database of these numbers, ESN numbers, that they use when granting service. If your particular ESN number isn't in their database, then the programming will deny you access.

At this time there are only a few ways to get around this. The most common way is to call the carrier you want to use and ask them to "flash" your phone to their network. In order to do this they have to ad your phones ESN number to their database. Usually there is a fee associated with doing this such as about $10. The carriers I know of that will do this are prepaid carriers Cricket and Metropcs. Sprint and other carriers generally will not under any circumstances do it. I believe this is because they have agreements or contracts with each other so they don't compete as much as they have backdoor or behind closed door deals made with each other.

You usually won't need to do this as the carriers will generally do it for you but in order for a phone to work on another carriers network after you have your ESN number in their database which is the Authorization for you to be able to use their service you generally have to have other compatible software as well. What software you need depends on your phone and is entirely different for every phone but you may need to do the following:

Download or update to a new PRL (Preferred Roaming List) for the new carrier you flashed to.

Download or update a new radio/baseband software version for the new carrier so that you are able to receive their specific signals (for example Verizon uses 1900 MHz and Sprint might use a 900 MHz frequency to transmite data)

Other possible though less common softwares are: PRI, checksum, or possibly even a Kernal/OS (kernal is the core programming of the Operating system), ROM, etc...

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Radios, Basebands, RIL, ROOT Superuser, ROM, Bootloader, Modem, Phone Unlock

 I tried asking many questions on popular forums to get these answers. At first glance people seemed knowledgeable. I had some experience with Iphone unlocking and jailbreaking iPhone's and sim unlocking blackberries. I was told that I needed to CID unlock a touch pro 2. I repeatedly asked what a CID lock was specifically but was never directly answered. It was always alluded to in conversations, but never spoken of directly in technical or straightforwards terms. I found a few definitions that a CID unlock allows the flashing of new ROM's. I concluded that the CID unlock was the same as the bootloader as to flash a new ROM one has to be in bootloader and you cannot get access to bootloader when you are on stock ROM/unchanged ROM from carrier. The bootloader is also referred to as ROOT access or Superuser access, because it is the Root of your device when the higher programs like the OS (operating system) has not loaded yet, so you effectly have more control. It is similar to boot screen on a pc. The hardware is different from a pc though in that smartphones like the Touch pro 2 or an iphone use flash memory called EEPROM (electrically eraseable reprogrammable read only memory) that is much easier to manipulate than traditional ROM on a desktop with certain techniques but also more resistant to change or damage vs a desktop computer's ROM. To get access to the bootloader/tricolor/rainbow/etc... could be considered a form of unlocking from the original carriers intended use so once done it can be used in different more advanced ways. Once the bootloader or root access is given, then ROM's can be flashed. Additionally, radio's can be flashed as well when they come prepackaged with other stock roms like sprint stock RUU (rom upgrade utility). I would install a stock RUU to get the radio, not necessarily the ROM itself and then  reflash a custom ROM like MightyROM for Windows phone or Cydia for iPHone. 

The other part to unlocking I found out is the radio. Every radio has certain software that tells it how to function or behave and what signals to collect and what signals to ignore. These are called protocols and are like commands or rules that the radio obeys when functioning. For example a command for the radio could be to connect to a sprint network on 1900 MHz signals. Another command could be ignore signals from Verizon 900 MHz frequencies. Another command that seems to be built into the radio on smartphones is ignore AM/FM frequencies so you can't get traditional radio, although the phone is fully capable of doing so. Part of the reason is because if the radio hardware on your phone picks up too many signals it means it is operating at a faster pace and thus using more electricity and more of the CPU, so there are commands to rule out certain frequencies and that makes it more efficient. The commands have to do with what is called a Radio Interface Layer (RIL). The RIL has two parts a driver and a proxy to communicate with the operating system. So for example you try to connect to Sprint or another carrier on your phone and you go to try to set up a connection in your settings by donig something like Dial Up Networking or Wireless area protocol, Wireless Tether, etc... and you might find that some of them don't work. This is because if the commands are not supported or communicated directly to the RIL then they can be blocked. One way to get around a block is to install new radio software that supports the features or commands that you want to use. Usually the radio software on your phone is also referred to as baseband such as on iphone or android phones in phone settings or device information, about phone section, etc... depending on what type of phone that you have. For example you can take the radio/baseband software that was on an iPad and put it on an iPhone 3gs and get reception from a T-Mobile sim card this way whereas originally with the stock radio/baseband you couldn't.

Now you may also notice that the radio or baseband is also referred to or synomous with modem such as in some connection settings which may say something like, "set up your modem". This is because the modem is the actual device or hardware that picks up radio signals for your phone to use, such as 19oo MHz Sprint or 900 MHz Verizon. A modem is basically an electronic piece of hardware that performs the same or similar functions to a traditional radio that get's radio signals/frequencies. Additionally radio frequencies are invisible and are in the air all the time such as when you turn a car radio on it gets different frequencies or radio stations depending on where you turn the dial, like FM station Z 107.7 or FM station 105.7 the Point. A modem is basically a very tiny piece of hardware that performs the functions of a radio in that it takes invisible radio signals and converts them into data like sound or pictures on the internet. 

So basically you have the motherboard on a device like a phone that contains a CPU and a modem/Radio. What signals and rules the radio/modem obeys is determined by the radio software or baseband generally and  the radio/modem communicates to the CPU through a RIL or Radio Interface Layer that contains a Driver and a Proxy. The CPU can get it's commands to tell and communicate with the radio/modem in many different ways but the main way is the OS or operating system such as when you are trying to set up a new connection in your phone settings for bluetooth or wifi or something similar it is sending commands from where you are (which is the OS) to the CPU which is communicated with the Modem/Radio via the Radio Interface Layer. Its kind of like having a bunch of guys in the room and guy "A" and Guy "C" want to speak to each other but neither speaks the others language so they need a middle man Guy "B" to translate for them. In this case the RIL is translating infromation between the CPU and the Radio/Modem and so it has all the power between those interactions/communications. 

Hopefully that clears things up so far so now I will tell about the 3 common types of locks:


Most people are familiar with SIM lock. Sims are used most places in the world. Usually you just have to enter an unlock code. The other type of lock is a CDMA lock. There is also an unlock code for this. For verizon and U.S. cellular the code is defaulted to 000000. CDMA lock only applies to CDMA phones which operate in the U.S., India, S. Korea, and Japan as of this writing. Most of the other countries only use Sim so they don't have to worry about CDMA. CDMA also works in conjunction with ESN lock. ESN lock has to do with blacklisting or grey listing by mobile phone carriers. If an ESN is blacklisted by a network, then it means it can't be used by that network. To get around this you have to have an ESN put on another network like Cricket or Metropcs. People call this flashing but all you usually have to do is have your CDMA unlock code which is also called the SPC or MSL and is 000000 for Verizon and U.S. cellular but is a random number for sprint. Then you have to install a new PRL file for that carrier once you add your esn to their network. The PRL file is the Preferred Roaming List and pretty much determines what cellular coverage you get.  The menu to access, modify, or other wise change the PRL and the cellular coverage in CDMA phones is the MSL SPC codes and it secret ## dialing menu in CDMA mode such as ##775# for changing the PRL. The main thing is to get the Esn added to their network though. Usually Cricket or MetroPCs will add it for you and do all the software changes like the PRL upgrade for a small fee of about $10. Other carriers like Sprint will not usually add an ESN under any circumstances, which is a shame if you want to use sprint and at this time there is no way around this as far as I know other than to already have a sprint phone. If you don't have a sprint phone but you want sprint service, your best course of action would probably be to try and trade someone on craigslist phones. If not you can flash to MetroPCs or Cricket by calling them and asking them to add the esn and update the PRL to use their service. Every phone is different though and this is only a general explanation that seems to apply to most phones. 

Good Luck!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Information on ESN Spoofing/cloning, legality, and if you can change to sprint

Technically getting your phone over to sprint is possible, but in order to do so you need a new esn to put on the phone that is in Sprint's database. Generally the phones sprint sells have esn's already added to their database and there is supposedly a way that is very troublesome and difficult to also get them to add your esn to their database but concerning esn spoofing or changing...

It is first and foremost not illegal unless you do it for ill gotten gain, such as using two separate phones with the same esn. That however is impossible because the radio/baseband which contains the esn is soldered onto the motherboard and every radio has it's own electronic fingerprint that is unique to the radio so if you try to do this, they will know so that is impossible really. So if you own two phones for example, and you want to swap the esn, it is perfectly legal because:

1. you own the phone and can do whatever you want with it. 

The trouble is there is so much secrecy, disinformation, and propaganda. The information is scarce. You know the ancient Egyptians did this very same thing and hid their knowledge so only the "elite" scribes could have it. They purposely made their language difficult to learn so only those with specialized training from the state/pharaoh could learn it!

So the only other way to change your esn besides being an absolute genius and expert at programming and hacking is to phyiscally install a new motherboard with the attached/soldered radio from an actual sprint phone. Unless you can get said phone for cheap because its say, has a broken screen, then it would probably be better just to buy a new phone, which is exactly what Sprint wants you to do!

All supposed programs that claim to change esn are untrustworthy. All of the ones I found online were scanned and found to contain viruses, particularly backdoor trojans. I wouldn't try downloading them if I were you!

At the very least, if you somehow do find a program that can swap the esn for you, you will need to purchase a completely brand new Sprint/boost mobile/virgin mobile phone that has never been activated and use the esn off of it. Once it gets activated its useless because the radio fingerprint has been detected and recorded!

After and if (and that is a big IF!) you do manage to swap the esn you need to reprogram your CDMA phone with the carrier information in the ## secret dialing menu's such as the MCC and MNC (Mobile country code and mobile network code) etc... and download a new sprint PRL. You will most probably also need a new Sprint Baseband/radio/RF modulator software to install to your phone/radio to be able to pick up sprint signals and be compatible. There's basically a checking software that sprint checks for to see if you have the correct information on your phone to be able to work directly on their network. They check for the correct ESN/meid/etc..., the correct radio/baseband, the correct PRL, etc... all of these softwares on your phone have to be compatible and "Synch" up with each other in a sense to be able to work on the network. It's done for the security. They want to have a very tight control on things, but if you are like me, you will want to have control over your own phone and not leave it up to someone else to dictate terms to you.

So the best thing to do, as far as I know, for the time being is to just trade your phone for a sprint phone if you really must use their network. Craigslist is good for that.

I will figure this out eventually, or someone else will, until then sayonara!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Get UNLOCK Codes for Verizon, US Cellular, Sprint CDMA SPC MSL and blackberry Secret ## Dialing Codes

To get your SPC/MSL/CDMA UNLOCK/ code to reprogram, access hidden functions and menus, and extend the capabilities of your phone...

VERIZON - Verizon is defaulted to 000000

US Cellular - US Cellular is also defaulted to 00000

Sprint - Call Sprint (Caution! Read below)

To enter your secret code on your phone: ##

ex. enter: ##000000 for blackberry, ##000000# for HTC

For Sprint you must call sprint to access the phones. CAUTION: Do not attempt to download fraudulent programs claiming to be able to unlock your code! Sprint uses random numbers to generate their codes! These codes cannot be guessed so easily! It is impossible to determine what they might be because they are random! The only way would be to have a program to repeatedly guess numbers until it got it right, and that might brick your phone! Programs like UniCDMA, Hex Editor, CDMA workshop that claim to unlock your phone for a free download contain VIRUSES DO NOT DOWNLOAD THEM! People think they are cool if they can put a virus on your computer! They will attach it in the file and trick you into downloading it! Don't get tricked and have your virus software on always! These people did not make the viruses, they just think they are cool because they know how to attach them to a file and trick someone into getting it!

Solution: Call sprint and tell them you would like your reprogramming code. Ask them for the msl code. If your account is in good standing (I.e. no debt on the phone) they will most likely give it to you. If not try telling them an excuse like, "I am going to Cuba where there isn't normal diplomatic relations and Sprint/boost mobile/Virgin mobile does not offer service and the carrier needs my msl code to reprogram my phone to be able to use it there." This is called social engineering.

Part 2: Secret Codes

Most secret codes can be found online. The only possible exception would be blackberries. There doesn't seem to be a complete list of all the numbers, I believe I have collected most of them though.

The following secret code is available to all blackberry users, regardless of whether or not they have the msl/spc/CDMA unlock code: #4357*

Sprint/Boost Mobile/Virgin Mobile may give you two unlock codes, you can enter them both to do different things in the same ## format. It will bring up a list of data about your phone. Most of the data refers to how your phone receives and transmits signals or data. You can modify and change to make your phone do such things as: Go faster/higher data speed, get better coverage, expand or change your coverage to receive different cell towers/operators/carriers.

Here are some Blackberry codes that I know of:

I seem to have deleted my file by mistake. I will post them later when I get a chance.

Blackberry Dialing Codes:

• Name: Decibel meter.
• Description/purpose: Displays your signal strength in decibels, instead of bars.
• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "N", "M", "L", "L" (repeat to reverse the effect).

• Name: Address Book file verification.
• Description/purpose: Checks the data in your Address Book for inconsistencies.
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "V", "A", "L", "D".

• Name: Address Book data structure rebuild.
• Description/purpose: Forces a data structure re-build in the Address Book...
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "L", "D".

• Name: View source code.
• Description/purpose: Displays the source code of a Web page.
• Process: In the Browser, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "V", "S".

• Name: Help Me! menu.
• Description/purpose: Provides crucial technical information about your device, for when seeking technical support or help in forums...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and (left) "shift", then press "H".

• Name: IMEI display.
• Description/purpose: Displays your device's international mobile equipment identity (IMEI - your serial number) on-screen... Also works from all other GSM handsets.
• Process: Type "*", "#", "0", "6", "#" on the Home screen.

• Name: "Soft" reset.
• Description/purpose: Performs a "soft" reset of your device; the equivalent of doing a "battery pull" (ie. Removing the battery for a few seconds).
• Process: Press-and-hold "Alt", then press-and-hold (left) "shift", then press-and-hold "Del".

• Name: Event Log.
• Purpose: Displays event logs of all the system-level events that occur on your device...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "L", "G", "L", "G".

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How To unlock and Jailbreak any Iphone

This article is not exactly on Topic with my blog and is the second such article I have written concerning smartphone hacking techniques. It will stay here until I figure out what to do with these>

Unlocking and Jailbreaking might be difficult if you have never done this sort of thing before but once you do it the first time you will realize how easy it is. The trouble with iphone unlocking is there is so much gosh darn spam on the internet. Everyone seems to want to make a buck. I like money too, which is why I have ads on this blog, but I think I am different because I will only attempt to tell you the truth and not try to sidetrack you with nonsense just to make some money. I created this guide to try to counteract some of the disinformation on the internet about iphone unlocking BUT I AM NOT THE AUTHORITY ON THIS AND I RECOMMEND YOU CONSULT A VARIETY OF GUIDES< NOT JUST MINE< HOWEVER I"M PRETTY SURE EVERYTHING I WRITE IS ACCURATE AND I HAVE PERSONALLY TESTED AND DONE THIS!

The first thing you will need to do is see what your firmware version is and your baseband/modem version is. There are generally two ways to do this:

1. Check your iphone in Settings > General > About

2. If your phone is without an official sim card then it is impossible to check the settings or do anything with your phone except restore in recovery on itunes WHICH YOU DO  NOT WANT TO DO. In this case in order to check the firmware versions you will need some help. Tinyumbrella works for this. It is easy to download and very useful for a number of things. We will be using this again depending on what the status is of your own particular iphone. Download tiny umbrella by google searching for it or go here:

Once you have determined your firmware and baseband/modem versions the next thing you need to do is figure out if they are compatible with the unlock. Generally you may need to restore your phone to an older version. All of the firmware versions for the iphone are listed below. You will need to find the one you need. I would recommend either downloading 4.1 or 4.2.1 as those are the most recent versions that are unlockable (version 4.3 is not yet unlocked by anyone). In order to download an older firmware version you need to shit SHIFT and ALT together on your keyboard (It may just be SHIFT, I'm not too sure I always press ALT and that works too so eh :p) and once you are holding down SHIFT and ALT together click the RESTORE button in ITUNES. The next thing that should happen is your computer will pull up a list of files. You need to find the firmware version you downloaded and select it. Itunes should now restore your phone to that version if you did correctly. 

Warning: FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD ALSO CHANGES THE BASEBAND/MODEM Version. Pay careful attention to this. The latest baseband which somes with the newest firmware version 4.3 is non-unlockable, that is why people say not to download it! If you do download it, you can still unlock your phone and restore to an older version but on this particular unlock the GPS will not work! I do not think the GPS system is that great to begin with so not too bad of a loss, but you have been WARNED! If you do have version 4.3 you will need to install either version 4.1 or 4.2(.1) and then you will need to also download ultrasn0w to upgrade your baseband to the ipad baseband version 6.15 in order to unlock. This is further explained below.

1.0.0: iPhone1,1_1.0_1A543a_Restore.ipsw
1.0.1: iPhone1,1_1.0.1_1C25_Restore.ipsw
1.0.2: iPhone1,1_1.0.2_1C28_Restore.ipsw
1.1.1: iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw
1.1.2: iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw
1.1.3: iPhone1,1_1.1.3_4A93_Restore.ipsw
1.1.4: iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw
2.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
2.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
2.0.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw
2.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw
2.0.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw
2.0.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw
2.1.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw
2.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw
2.2.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
2.2.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
2.2.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H1_Restore.ipsw
2.2.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw 
3.0.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
3.1.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw 
3.1.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (4): iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (4): iPhone3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw
4.2.6 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.6_8E200_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw
4.3.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw
4.3.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw

Once you have your firmware downloaded that you need the next step is to change your baseband. One way to change the baseband is an application on Cydia called Fuzzyband.  Cydia is the third part app store that almost everyone who has a Jailbroken iphone uses so in order to gain access to Cydia you will need to Jailbreak your iphone. You will need Cydia anyways for Ultrasn0w which is the unlocking Software that I am recommending to use in this guide (although there are others, they are not nearly as good)

In order to Jailbreak you need to  Download Limera1n   Limera1n was created by Geohot who was the first person to ever unlock an iphone a couple years back. It is very much so the recommended software for Jailbreaking and is very easy to use. Just download and follow the instructions. 

Once you have your iphone Jailbroken you need to you unlock it. The easiest way to do this is to download Cydia and from Cydia go and download Ultrasn0w. The easiest way to download cydia is to just go to the Cydia website from your iphone. But what if you don't have internet access like wifi on your iphone yet? There is a Solution: Download redsn0w. With redsn0w on your computer you can launch the file and follow the instructions and it will download Cydia for you. There are other things Redsn0w can do as well but I don't feel I need to get into all of that but you will need to check the IPAd Baseband install if your baseband/modem version is 5.15 because the 5.15 baseband is not able to be unlocked at this time. Doing this will update your baseband to 6.15 which is the same as the Ipad (hence why it's called IPad baseband). Now there are some risks with the 6.15 baseband but if you want to know about them I recommend you do a google search because I don't think they are that risky and I don't want to explain that and waste my own time and effort typing some silly disclaimer. If you are trying to unlock Iphone or Ipad, etc... then you should already know the risks. This is HACKING!  Just follow the instructions on redsn0w. Download: Download RedSn0w 0.9.6b1  

Once you have Cydia installed either by going to the cydia website or installing from your computer using Redsn0w you can now proceed to unlock your phone by using Ultrasn0w. Now for this part you really do need an internet connection. The easiest way would probably be to use the WIFI. If you don't have WIFI at home go to the Library or Mcdonalds or something and use theirs. It should only take a few minutes to do this last part and the total process can be achieved by most people within an hour or less and for an experienced user can take a matter of 10-15 minutes. That is how easy this is IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO 

So here is the last step to Unlock Iphone:

Go into Cydia.

Click manage

Click Sources

Look for Repo666 Ultrasn0w.


Test a Sim card like T mobile or Simple Mobile. Should be unlocked. Congratulations. You just hacked your iphone! :D Way to stick it to the man!

Ice Cream Sundaes and Dueling - Why people SLANDER one another

Yesterday Google celebrated the birth of the ice cream sundae. I was curious to find out more about this and I discovered that there was a strong dispute as to who get's to claim the right as the birthplace of the ice cream sundae. The credit usually goes (and the one google has also chosen) to Ithaca New York. The above image was taken circa 1901 and is in one of the historical depositories of the United States of America. The city pictured is Ithaca, New York. Ithaca was named after a Greek Island and the name was chosen by a clerk at the time by the name of Robert Harpur. Harpur had many professions, not the least of which was a clerk during this time and he was primarily a teacher and scholar in his greatest capacity because one of his pupils was none other than Alexander Hamilton. Harpur had an interest in ancient Greek and Roman history as was common of the time as there was quite a lot of fervor surrounding the classical ideals that had a large influence on the founding fathers of the United States. I would like the reader to notice the apparent "cleanliness" of the city, for lack of a better term, and how there are no automobiles present yet people seem to be quite busy. You will also notice power lines which carry electricity and were a relatively recent invention at the time. Everyone is well addressed. I hope you will agree that these people are Ladies and Gentlemen. Please contrast that with the current state of affairs today. We do not currently have this level of decency I think and the contrast is stark. So what changed?

I have studied much history and I have to think the difference between then and now is fear. In the modern age of today people don't seem to have much fear. They say what they want, when they want no matter if it is appropriate or not. Back then people wouldn't do that because if they did they might get into a fight. Today if you get into a fight you will most probably be going to jail, so anyone can say what they want, but back then if you said something that was thought to be inappropriate you would often times be in a fight. That is why, I think, that largely people had fear. The formal practice of fighting has typically been known as dueling. We no longer use that term and dueling has since been outlawed in much of the world, so people say what when they want.

There is an irony here in the fact that Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel by none other than Aaron Burr. This has a lot to do with Thomas Jefferson. The reason is because Hamilton and Jefferson were often in dispute with one another. Hamilton was the one who started the Federal Reserve and Thomas Jefferson would often argue and fight against that. I have not discovered any accurate sources for determining when dueling stopped in the United States but it seems to have taken a downturn at this time as Alexander Hamilton was well liked. Personally I do not care for Alexander Hamilton and I don't think Thomas Jefferson did either. The dispute was so heavy that it resulted in a duel between Hamilton and Burr. Burr was a close acquittance of Thomas Jefferson. So if we say that dueling was largely a safety net against debauchery and sinful nature in the case of people blaspheming against one another, you can see it's quite ironic that the person who would name the city would have been the teacher of Hamilton who was largely responsible, due to public outcry in a sense to his death since he was well liked, for the eventual downfall and outlawing in dueling. There were basically two factions: Those who believed disputes should only be settled in courts of law, and those who believe dueling could also be used, in addition to courts of law, to settle disputes. I am personally of the former class and believe that dueling, though violent, serves a great purpose in keeping order in society and preventing men from blaspheming and sinning against each other. If you have ever been in the position where someone was blaspheming and slandering you, you might digress that you would have certainly liked to have challenged and fought that person, and you might also digress that taken the person to court, most of the time, is a waste of time and effort which doesn't usually accomplish anything to the greater effect. So that is why people call you names and there is nothing you can do about it except slander and insult them back.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Non-Existence, Existence, Being, Becoming

No one knows what doesn't exist because it doesn't exist, so anything that is conceived has existence and so must exist. Creation therefor begins with existence. Existence is then also what anyone imagines, dreams, has ideas of, or thinks about. In order for that which exists to come into being it has to engage in becoming. That which is being will change but that which exists never changes; that is how ideas are lost and rediscovered and things may go and come again. The things which are being change with time but the things which exist do not change with time. That which exists is the essence of that which is being. In order for being to occur it has to first exist. Being is therefor an extension of existence. To be you have to know what to be which is to exist. That is what is meant by the phrase, "I am". We may know and have the knowledge of our own existence, but any knowledge beyond that is speculation.

Being occurs out of becoming which occurs out of existing. Everything that is being and becoming has change or time and so is governed by change and time. If that which is being or becoming loses change or time, then it is no longer being but it is still existing, because things which only exist such as ideas or knowledge, do not change with time and can be lost and rediscovered. That is why becoming what to be takes time but existence and ideas are timeless.

Because of time there is not a permanent state of being as all being is constantly in change. Being is therefor not an absolute and to think it is is an illusion the same as thinking that something doesn't exist is an illusion because one cannot know what doesn't exist because it doesn't exist. Since there is truly no NON-EXISTENCE and there is truly no BEING then all that remains is existing and becoming. That is why it is said, "Be what thou will."

Things that are relegated to time are changing in Time and so are impermanent. Knowledge of the things however does not change as knowledge is lost and rediscovered. The knowledge is the essence of the thing. The essence of a thing remains the same but its outward materialism is constant change.

Knowledge of a thing leads to awareness. I am or a thing is because it exists but because I or a thing knows or has knowledge of its existence makes it/me aware. Knowledge is gained through interaction such as through senses, experience, reason, or any other type of feedback system. Knowledge of a thing enables one to potentially control and impose will on that thing. Knowledge of self leads to control over the self which controls the things. If the self is not controlled neither will the self have control over anything. This is the influence or power of a thing. That is why people say knowledge is power.

Friday, March 25, 2011

HTC Touch Pro 2 Unlock Instructions


Q: What do I have to do to install a new ROM?

A: You need to install the HSPL (Hard Secondary Program Loader) to be able to install new ROMS. If you have a CDMA Phone you can only install CDMA ROM'S (i.e. Sprint, Verizon, U.S. Cellular, etc...) if you have a GSM version you can only install GSM ROM'S (i.e. T-Mobile, At&t, etc...) However either CDMA or GSM can install Custom ROM such as the MIGHTY ROM with no difficulties once/after the HSPL is installed.

Q: Can I flash My Verizon/Sprint/U.S. Cellular TP2 to another carrier? 

A: You Can but ONLY IF IT IS A CDMA VERSION. A CDMA VERSION IS U.S. CELLULAR, SPRINT, or VERIZON. If you try to flash to a GSM, your phone will be bricked. In ORDER TO FLASH YOU MUST INSTALL THE HSPL UNLOCKER! It is not recommended that you install a carriers ROM as GSM and CDMA are USUALLY INCOMPATIBLE! The Carrier ROM'S are SLOW! Install the Mighty ROM! It is BETTER! It has Provisioning for All of the carriers! The only reason to install another carriers ROM is usually to get certain software other than the ROM itself that comes bundled in what's called a RUU (ROM UPGRADE UTILITY) like the RADIO/BASEBAND, but after getting it you would want to flash back to the ROM of your choice and the RADIO will stay on your phone even though you changed to a custom ROM.

Q: Why won't my phone work in another GSM/SIM card/carrier even though it says the SIM is unlocked?

A: There is a Security Mechanism in the phone preventing you. You must install a new Radio to get around this.

Q:Can I use my T-Mobile or At&t Sim card in a U.S. Cellular, Sprint, Or Verizon Phone?

A: No. Only T-Mobile and At&t use sim cards. They are called GSM networks. Sprint/Boost Mobile/Virgin Mobile, U.S. Cellular, & Verizon are and use Wireless technology that doesn't need sim cards and is called CDMA. Some Boost mobile Phones may also use sim cards for IDEN technology which they use that was developed by Motorola. All of the different technologies: GSM, CDMA, And iDEN are generally incompatible with each other, and you need specific hardware in your phone for each. That's why there are a lot of Motorola phones on boost mobile.

Q: What ROM and Software is on my phone?

A: Go into start menu > Settings > System > Device Information > Software information.

Q: Is this Free?

A: It is Free for the U.S. Cellular Version. I have not tested if this will work on any of the other carriers phones (Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, At&t Tilt 2, Etc...) I am assuming it isn't. If you do not have a U.S. Cellular version you will probably need to purchase the Olipro & Cmonex Unlocker from XDA. You may also make a donation to XDA or any of the XDA members who spend a considerable amount of their time figuring out how to get the most out of smartphones. It is much appreciated if you can afford to do so, but may or may not be absolutely necessary. This method may still be your best chance at unlocking as other unlocking methods such as XDA have negative reviews. If it works for you please make a comment describing your phone type and what carrier you were able to get it working on. It is a known fact that the younger generations are more into their smartphones and generally more capable at using them than the older generations. Therefore sometimes people don't have a lot of money to spend, which is completely understandable. If you are this person, contact me and I will see if I can help you.


I haven't figured out how and if I want to incorporate this article or this topic into blogging. I have another blog made that I haven't touched but I'm reluctant to make two because that takes more time to do everything, and time is really valuable since I can never get it back again.

The HTC Touch Pro 2 for U.S. Cellular Network is not Sim locked it is "Radio Locked". If you are reading this it is assumed you have an htc touch pro 2 for u.s. cellular and are wondering why another sim card won't work in it, (however if you have another Touch Pro 2 other than U.S. Cellular, you may also get instruction for what to do by reading this). You may also notice that your U.S. Cellular Touch Pro 2 already says the "Sim is Unlocked" when you try to access the "Sim App". This is because the U.S. Cellular Version of the HTC Touch Pro 2 appears to employ a different carrier locking mechanism (Also called CID or Carrier ID lock) which I believe has to do with it being tied into CDMA only. The SIM hardware is basically there, you just can't get access to it. This apparently has to do with your radio version more than anything. From what I gather, the firmware or ROM as well as the Radio Version/software that is on the U.S. cellular phone is blocking all other radio signals except those which come from U.S. cellular (Note: this only seems to occur for U.S. carriers like ATT, T-mobile USA, or Boost Mobile). So even though your phone's antenna is quite capable of picking up extra signals, because of the extra programming installed in the phone by U.S. cellular, you simply can't use it. This is like buying a car but not being able to use the back seat. If you do not have an HTC Touch Pro 2 for U.S. Cellular but it is on another carrier then you should only have to Sim Unlock it as they don't use the same method as T-mobile of locking the radio frequencies, although I believe the Sprint and U.S. Cellular Version are very similar, as they are both what are called the Rhodium400 versions of the phone.


If you absolutely must unlock your U.S. Cellular Phone you must rewrite the ROM. This is called flashing. Its not as difficult as it sounds but you can mess up and damage your phone if you are not careful. In order to do it you first have to find the ROM you want to use on the net. You can use a Custom ROM which are generally unstable and can damage your phone or try writing over the ROM from another carrier which you can usually either get on that carriers website or the website of the maker of your phone such as HTC website. You will basically need to find it, download it, then USB plug your phone into computer, then go through the set up to transfer the files into your phone. There are a lot of different videos on a lot of different custom ROMS. Youtube video tutorials would probably be the best place to find one and not spend as much time as you can see in the videos and make your own determinations. If you try to load the ROM from another carrier there is a good possibility that it will immediately BRICK your phone because the U.S. cellular phone is set up specifically to respond harshly to the other carriers programming or technology, which is why you can't use it in the first place. In order to load another ROM though you have to unlock that ability. Do this with a hard SPL (Secondary Program Loader). You can get the HSPL @

There are other phones that are exhibiting the same advanced locking mechanisms. Notably the Verizon Droid Pro will not unlock for any other U.S. carriers even though it has the proper radio bands and frequencies. This is demonstrated in an informative video on youtube:

Here is how it was achieved with the Touch Pro 2 by XDA developers, However I dsicvoered that this method will not actually work for my U.S. Cellular version:
 NOTE: None of the Following Radios or Software Security Unlocker Worked for Me! I only used the HSPL from XDA. Use others at your own risk!
WU means Worldphone Unlocked, look out for the WU on all radio firmwares to indicate whether it's been patched as unlocked or not! (WV = locked)

YOU MUST BE SECURITY UNLOCKED IN ORDER TO USE THIS!!! - if you are not Security unlocked, you will get a Flash Write Error.

Flashing one of these radios will enable you to use a US SIM card in your device - if you flash a non-supported (non-patched) radio over this, you will lose the ability.



2. 2.23.00WU (Verizon stock edited)
3. 1.96.10WU (Sprint stock edited)
4. 2.05.00WU (USCC test edited)NOT RECOMMENDED

The main thing you have to do is unlock the radio frequencies/radio bands. Those are the frequencies that the other carriers use. The problem is the method for doing that is not sim unlock because the ROM/Firmware on the U.S. Cell HTC touch pro 2 is heavily designed to reject any Sim attempts or unlocking attempts so if you try to flash one of the above radios to the U.S. Cellular phone after installing the HSPL, it will brick your phone into what's called the Bootloader (Also called Tricolor screen) where you will be unable to exit until you install another ROM.

But, first you have to change your radio also. Just downloading a Custom ROM won't do that, and since you can't download the above radio the only other alternative is to download a stock ROM from another carrier. WARNING: IF YOU TRY TO INSTALL A GSM CARRIERS ROM (SUCH AS T-MOBILE or ATT) YOUR PHONE WILL BE BRICKED

So, basically you need to download the ROM from another CDMA carrier in order to get the radio that comes with the stock ROMs. In this case I used Sprint as the Sprint and U.S. Cellular versions of the Touch pro 2 a.k.a Rhodium400 are very similar. You can download the sprint ROM @ I used the Second To last link, it has 1.96WF in the file description/address.

After you download the Sprint ROM your phone will say Sprint and look like a Sprint TP2 but it will still be tied into  CDMA mode for U.S. cellular only. However we did change the radio version, which is the main thing. The next thing to do is install the Custom ROM Mighty ROM @ After you do so, you should be able to use any sim. If you need further instructions watch video @


Here is a Glossary of terms I found as well:

"ActiveSync :This program by Microsoft is what we all use to connect to our computers at work or at home. It allows contacts, tasks, emails and Calendar events to be synchronised with Outlookaswell as such things as media and favorites. In Windows Vista this has been replaced by the Windows Mobile Device Center. In addition ActiveSync allows browsing of the device in Windows Explorer.

AKU: Adaptation Kit Update - they usually patch up existing bugs and enable several new features. Each newly released AKU pack retains fixes found in previous versions of AKU. Starting with Windows Mobile 5 Microsoft began a policy of updates similar to that of the desktop windows. Rather the replacing the whole OS some functionality may be added. For example AKU 2.0 introduced push mail. These updates are distributed through the OEMs and are given to the consumer in form of ROM updates. Note that OEM may choose not to create an update with the latest AKU for their devices. Getting an AKU for your phone is like getting the SP2 (Service Pack 2) for your Windows Xp.

Application Unlock: Most Windows Mobile devices only allow you to load applications that have an acceptable digital signature. If you try to edit the registry or load an application it will give you an error. Application Unlocking removes this barrier and allows you to install any application or edit the registry to your liking.

Baked ROM : that the original shipped complete ROM (CE, Extended and radio) has been modified. A Baked ROM could have a CE ROM from one operator, a Radio stack from a second operator, an Extended ROM from a third operator or even a �cooked� extended ROM.

Bootloader : The bootloader is the first thing to load once you turn on the device, this does the job of booting up the device hardware and loading various items into memory before the ROM starts in the device. The bootloader is also responsible for enabling the flashing of new ROMs and other components such as the Radio and the Ext_ROM. Two modified bootloaders for the Hermes are HardSPL and SSPL. To enter the bootloader, press and hold the OK and POWER buttons while inserting the stylus into the reset hole on the bottom of the Hermes.

.CAB Files : Cabinet - is the Microsoft Windows native compressed archive format. cab files are files used to install programs. cab files are similar to what you might know as .exe files from your PC. cab files can be downloaded directly to your Hermes with Wifi or GPRS, you can also transfer them to your Hermes using File Explorer on your PC. cab files are not supposed to be unpacked/unzipped on the PC. Copy the intact .cab file as you downloaded it directly to your Hermes

Chef / Cook : Its a term coined by the developer community to refer to people who build custom ROMs ( ie; people who cooks ROM ).

CID lock (aka vendor lock): Carrier Id - put on your device by the manufacturer to prevent installation of a ROM not released by them. Commonly used in the form `CID-Unlocking`. If you purchase your phone (example) from 3Mobile (3Mobile is the �carrier�), your phone will only accept 3Mobile ROMs (the carrier�s ROMs). If you want to flash ROMs from other carrier, you�ll need to CID-unlock your phone, so that your phone will accept other ROMs. All bootloaders (apart from HardSPL and SSPL) will only allow a ROM with the correct CID to be flashed onto the device. A device which has been CID unlocked will have �SuperCID� which allows ANY ROM to be loaded onto the device, SuperCID also unlocks the Ext_ROM and allows it to be mounted. Note: In general, the phrase �unlock your phone� usually refers to SIM-unlock, not CID unlock.

Cooked ROM : means that the ROM has been modified with other files

CustomRUU: is an RUU (Rom Upgrade Utility) which has support for all SPL versions including HardSPL and SSPL.

Device Lock : The device lock is a today screen plugin that locks all the buttons (and the touch screen) until you unlock it, it will allow you to answer calls. To use it simply tap the �device unlocked� today item and it will lock the device, to unlock press the left hand soft key and tap the unlock button on screen.

Dopod 838 Pro / i-mate JASJAM / O2 Xda Trion / HTC TyTN : all of these are essentially the same device

ExtROM: Extended ROM - is the section of the ROM which the distributor of the phone (eg O2, T-Mobile, iMate, etc) store their customization (eg Today theme, ring tones, extra software) data. In WM5, the customization data will be automatically installed after the initial configuration (after every hardreset), just after the security section. In most cases, ExtROM can be unlocked to allow users to store/build their own customizations that will be automatically installed upon every hardreset.

Firmware: This is a piece of software that is stored in a device to make it function. It is, unlike ordinary software, usually semi-permanent and resides in a non-volatile storage area which is unaffected by �hard resetting� a device. The term usually refers to low-level code that controls individual hardware components such as a radio rom.

Flashing : a ROM is the process putting a new ROM on your device or otherwise know as upgrading.

Hard Reset : Switch the device off. Press and hold the Left SOFT KEY and Right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the bottom of your device. You will be presented with a menu saying �press R to reset, X to exit�. If you press R, your device will be set back to factory default settings. Hard Reset will delete all data you have put on the device: Programs, Settings, Mail, SMS, MMS, etc., so be careful and make a backup before doing this. After a hard reset, you will have a complete clean new install of Windows Mobile on your device. Data on \Storage Card & \Extended_Rom folder will not be deleted

HardSPL : This modified bootloader (by Olipro>>xda-developers) allows a much safer flashing process to take place since it reduces the chance of permenently bricking your Hermes device. It also removes the need to CID Unlock the device since it ALWAYS reports SuperCID when flashing.

IPL: Initial Program Loader - It boots up SPL. Its the bootloader for PPC, much like the BIOS is the boot loader for your PC. Note: IPL/SPL are highly hardware dependent, flashing the wrong IPL/SPL is much more serious than a flashing the wrong ROM. It may be noted that, sometimes a ROM package also contains the IPL/SPL which will be flashed into your phone. Hence be extra careful what you are flashing. Note: although a ROM may also contains the IPL/SPL

OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer - is a company that supplied equipment to other companies to resell or incorporate into another product using the reseller�s brand name.

OS: Operating System - the platform software for your phone, much like the Windows Xp/Vista for your PC. Upgrading the OS is like, in PC terms upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista. Os for PPC are WM2002, WM 2003, WM2003SE, WM5, WM6

PIE : Pocket Internet Explorer - is the default browser that comes with the Windows Mobile Operating System.

PPC : Pocket PC - is a hardware specification for a Personal digital assistant that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system.

Program memory: The non-persistent memory part of WM5, which is used for all the temporary memory requirements, much like the RAM of your PC. A soft-reset or flat battery will erase everything from the program memory. You can�t adjust the ratio of Storage memory and Program memory in WM5 like WinCE2003.

Radio: commonly used in the form `upgrading the Radio/GSM` - in the field of ROM upgrading. The `Radio` is essentially a ROM that controls the phone function part (as oppose to PDA function part) of your phone. Upgrading this `Radio` software may have effect on your phone reception quality, battery life (optimized phone function), signal strength, etc.

RIL: Radio Interface Layer -

ROM: Read Only Memory - commonly used in the form of `ROM upgrade`. The ROM is the firmware/software, which controls everything on your phone. ROM itself usually comes in a package, with IPL/SPL, OS, Radio, and ExtRom. However, in most cases, `upgrading a ROM` usually means just the OS and the ExtRom, as these are the obvious/visible part of an ROM upgrade.

RTM : Release to Manufacturing or Ready to Market.

RUU: ROM Upgrade Utility - Its the s/w used on your PC to do a ROM upgrade for your PPC

SIP : Software Input Panel - for devices that does not have a hardware keyboard the SIP is used to enter data on to the PPC eg: the software keyboard, Symbol Pad, Block Recoganizer, etc . Note : SIP can also stand for Session Initiation Protocol , check the wikipedia entry SIP as a voice over IP protocol.

Smartphone : Pre WM6 class, Smartphone is defined as a mobile phone which offers advanced capabilities like that of a PC. It will not have a touchscreen as compared to a Pocket PC. With the introduction of WM6 all mobile phone devices running Windows Mobile are no classed as Windows Mobile powered Smartphones

Soft Reset : Put your stylus in the hole in the lower left corner. Soft Reset will reboot your device just like when you reboot your PC. No data will be lost, under normal circumstances.

SPL: Secondary Program Loader - Loads the actual OS.

SSPL : is a modified bootloader (by Des) which is loaded into RAM when run, this allows us to overwrite any aspect of the ROM, Radio or Bootloader far easier than using mtty.

Storage memory: The persistent memory part of WM5, where all the files and documents are kept, much like the hard disk of your PC. Data in the storage memory is unaffected by soft-reset or a flat battery. You can�t adjust the ratio of Storage memory and Program memory in WM5 like WinCE2003.

SuperCID : by CID unlocking your device the value of the CID is changed to SuperCID . This allows the flashing of ANY ROM to the device regardless of the carrier and also unlocks the read/write capability of the Ext_ROM.

Touch Cube : usually simply referred to as the Cube. It is a 3d navigation interface created by HTC that uses their TouchFlo technology. The interface was introduced with the HTC Touch and has since been used in several other devices. It has also been ported to devices that pre-date the Touch.

TouchFlo : This is the HTC version of the flick-to-scroll technology often associated with the iPhone. This is not to be confused with the Touch Cube which is another HTC technology. It was 1st seen in HTC Touch.

TouchFlo 3D : this was code named � Manilla � and is another HTC technology , its an extension on to the today screen to give the user a finger friendly approach to using the PPC. It was 1st seen with the Touch Diamond.

UI : User Interface - some notable examples would be TouchFlo, PointUI

USSD : Unstructured Supplementary Service Data - is a capability of all GSM phones. It is generally associated with real-time or instant messaging type phone services. There is no store-and-forward capability that is typical of �normal� short messages. Response times for interactive USSD based services are generally quicker than those used for SMS. Its used to send text between a mobile phone and an application program in the network eg: *123# for balance etc.

USIM : Universal Subscriber Identity Module - is an SIM for UMTS mobile telephony running on 3G mobile network.

WindowsCE / WinCE : aka Windows Embedded CE since version 6.0 Microsoft has stated that the �CE� is not an intentional initialism, but many people believe CE stands for �Consumer Electronics� or �Compact Edition�;The first version, was known during development under the codename �Pegasus�.

WM: Windows Mobile - the OS of the PPC

WM Classic : Windows Mobile Classic - the OS for PPC device without a phone.

WM Professional : Windows Mobile Professional - the OS for Phone enabled device with a touchscreen (formerly Phone Edition).

WM Standard : Windows Mobile Standard - the OS for Phone enabled device without a touchscreen (formerly Smartphone).

WWE Edition: World Wide English Edition - Its usually appended along with new ROM releases , to show that its a ROM that will have English as the default Language

WDA : Wireless Digital Assistant - This is the term that Hewlett Packard coined with their new 928 WDA Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition which integrates a cell phone with a Pocket PC.

XDA : Extended Digital Assistant - This the term that O2 coined with their new Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition which integrates a cell phone with a Pocket PC.

XIP : Execute in Place - The execution of a program stored in ROM or flash that is run directly from the location where it is stored. The execution does not require the program to be copied into ram before execution. This reduces the amount of ram that an application requires since it does not all have to load into RAM."